Thursday, August 9, 2012

How To Get Twitter Followers

           Twitter.... It sometimes is really frustrating to get followers on. You can make really good posts and your up to date on all the latest news happening in the world. Though ask yourself "What's the point of posting everyday if no one reads it?' If this is why your here keep reading. If not then go somewhere else.

Starting Up In The Twitter World.

           To really get started you do need to post a bit to have people know that you have previous posts. So post every now and then until you have at least 17 posts.One thing you absolutely need is a profile picture. Nobody wants to follow an egg, be interesting and change your photo to a picture of you having fun and it should be appropriate though. Try having somebody take a picture of you at a nice restaurant and use that. Now choose a background that will suit you the best. Note this: you should have a background that fits you the best. You should also write a good biography because it's really stupid if you say: Well I'm Emery and I'm from Vancouver and I'm from Canada and I like hockey.
Maybe you should say something like: My name is Emery I grew up in Vancouver BC went to Lord Byng High school played hockey all the way up to grade 11 now in grade 12 blogging because its really fun sharing my thoughts with the world. Though right now my main employment is acting where I have placed in several movies and taking drama classes. Now your ready for real tweeting.

Tweeting Like An Expert. 

           Now your ready for the real deal. Tweeting is easy. You really just share what interests you that day. Or you could tell some weird thing that happened today, but don't go too in depth you only have 149 characters to tell. Try and have a minimum of 1 tweet per day and a maximum of 2. It gets annoying if people blah blah blah all day long. Someone once told me that a popular blogger Single Dad Laughing said that Your are one of the many books in the bookcase 100000 miles wide and 10000 miles high and your just hoping to be picked and stand out. You need to stand out if you want followers don't just talk post music and pictures that will make you amazing and addicting so people wil
I'm pretty sure we all just wanted him to shut up at that point don't you agree? So we just put his point there. Can you see the big Book?

Getting Popular.

             (Dang I got to loosen up and stop dumping a bunch of blah blah blah on your head) anyways to get popular just respond to people who have the same interests as you like in this:
See? After this you should have a lot of followers.

It would be nice if you followed me on google+
Or Twitter @EmeryMG

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