Monday, August 13, 2012

Wack Sports of the Summer

Ridic Sports of London 2012

The London Olympics are over!!!! No!! I didn't watch any of it not even the ceremonies. With all these magnificent events I have learned one thing from all of the events that happened. There are too many ridiculous sports. Here are some sports to show my case.


Hand Ball!!!

There is nothing better than hitting a ball into the net with your hands..... The fact that it's an olympic sport is sad.


"Hey mom can we all watch trampoline because it's cool to look at people looking fat in mid air?" "How about we just watch you break your neck on our trampoline out back?" "Yay mom gave me a good idea this will go to youtube!!!"

Synchronized Swimming??

Nothing is cooler than watching people drink water with sweat and crap then spit it out!!! Plus Asians wearing weirdo burrito make up in the water!!! Dont those girls look appealing???

Modern Pentathlon?!!!???!!!

That just looks exhausting.

That's All For today

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